Co-funded by the European Union
Co-funded by the European Union

Author: steffi

  • How a touch board can help students in their learning

    How a touch board can help students in their learning



    How a touch board can help students in their learning Promethean stellt interaktive Displays und Lernsoftware her, die Innovationen für Lehrer, Schüler und Kollegen auf der ganzen Welt fördern. Nach zwei Jahren hat sich die italienische Schule also grundlegend verändert. Die Lehre wird immer innovativer. Es war hart, aber es ist etwas Gutes dabei herausgekommen:…

  • ‘MIRI’ Aula Immersiva: CampuStore and Giunti Scuola

    ‘MIRI’ Aula Immersiva: CampuStore and Giunti Scuola



    ‘MIRI’ Aula Immersiva: CampuStore and Giunti Scuola A real immersive classroom for schools – is it a dream? No, it’s reality! Miri is the only real immersive classroom, a true immersive learning environment in which no goggles or visors are needed to be surrounded by extraordinary digital content. At the heart of this project is…

  • Digital HEIghts – Newsletter #3

    Digital HEIghts – Newsletter #3

    Digital HEIghts – Newsletter #3 Newsletter #3 for the the Digital HEIghts project is now available! This newsletter includes information about the context of the project and about project outputs up until September 2023.

  • Launch of the E-Learning Platform

    Launch of the E-Learning Platform

    Launch of the E-Learning Platform In the beginning of 2023, the E-Learning Platform for the Digital HEIghts ErasmusPlus Project was launched live online. The Platform was designed and developed to offer peer mentoring interactive map functionality, and to be used as database of project results. It will serve as online digital upskilling portal between members…

  • Digital HEIghts – Newsletter #2

    Digital HEIghts – Newsletter #2

    Digital HEIghts – Newsletter #2 Please, find below the Newsletter #2 for the the Digital HEIghts project, from March 2023. This newsletter includes information about the context of the project and about project outputs. These are the E-learning Platform, the Learning Toolkit and the Microlearning Course. This newsletter also informs about the LTTA training held…

  • Digital HEIghts – Newsletter #1

    Digital HEIghts – Newsletter #1

    Digital HEIghts – Newsletter #1 Please, find below the Newsletter #1 for the the Digital HEIghts project, from March 2022. This newsletter includes an introduction to the context of the project and to the project outputs. It also includes detailed information about project partners organisations.

  • Kick Off Meeting in Schwäbisch Gmünd

    Kick Off Meeting in Schwäbisch Gmünd

    Kick Off Meeting in Schwäbisch Gmünd In June 2022, EIFI-Tech hosted the kick-off meeting for the EU ErasmusPlus Project Digital HEIghts in a beautiful Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany. This was the first Transnational Partner Meeting. Partners discussed project objectives, preliminary results and next steps. All partners were excited to meet for the first time in person…